Dual Credit FAQ
Once you have applied to Collin College and received your Campus-wide ID, you are welcome to apply to the ACCESS office. We encourage you to apply for services as early as possible.
Yes, but only with your child’s consent. The transition to college shifts responsibility for success to the student, making it challenging for both students and parents. FERPA and ACCESS consent forms permit parents to inquire basic information about policies and procedures for requesting accommodations. However, they cannot request accommodations or services on behalf of the student, as the disability office works directly with students.
If your child gives you FERPA authorizations, or consent to speak with us, then we would be happy to speak with you. This also means that your child must be present during any meetings or phone calls to ensure FERPA laws are being followed.
Students are expected to initiate and be active participants in the accommodation process, maintaining direct interaction with the ACCESS office. These policies apply to all Collin College students, including dual credit and early college high school students enrolled in college-level courses.
For additional OCR (Office of Civil Rights) guidance, please visit the following links:
Dear Parent Letter: Https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/parent-20070316.html
Transition of Students With Disabilities To Postsecondary Education: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/transitionguide.html
No. At the High School level, IDEA (The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) is followed. This only applies to Pre-K through 12th grade students. Since your child is taking College-Level coursework, the ADA (The Americans with Disabilities Act) must be followed, which is why they will have to apply for accommodations at the College level, for their Dual Credit courses. Click here for more details about the differences between High School and College accommodations.
We encourage you to submit documentation that supports your diagnosis, and the ACCESS advisors will be able to let you know what other information may be needed.
Great question! The TSI is already very accessible in that it is untimed, you can take it over a course of a many days, you can magnify, and change the color of the screen. It also and provides a calculator in the Math section. If you require additional TSI accommodations, please email kylerichardson@zlmmc8.com to request these accommodations.